Showing Posts In "What is a Background Check?" Category
What Shows Up on a Background Check?
Most background checks will include a criminal history check, revealing felony and misdemeanor criminal convictions, any pending criminal cases, and any history of incarceration as an adult. The pre-employment background check typically includes the above information, plus verification of past employment, education, and professional licenses. Driving records may also be included, depending on the type […]
How to Conduct a Criminal Background Check Like an Expert
Before conducting a criminal background check, it is important to start with a full name, date of birth, addresses and/or counties where the person has resided, and a Social Security number. The process can be broken down into four categories, including online databases, which offer a quick and easy way to search millions of criminal […]
What to Know About Background Checks for a Job
The majority of employers complete a comprehensive background check on all potential employees to mitigate risk to their organization. Background investigations, which can include credit history, criminal activity, and social media habits, can help employers avoid making a bad hire that can cause damage to the business. Those worried about past criminal convictions should get […]
What are pre-employment background checks?
Background checks are commonplace before making a hire and can help reduce the mystery in the hiring process for employers, but it’s important to conduct it properly and use the correct services. A comprehensive background check will reveal any convicted felonies and misdemeanors, judgments, and records from the FBI, Homeland Security, Drug Enforcement Administration, and […]
How to Run Background Checks and Manage Their Results
Those who choose to run their own pre-employment background checks could face legal ramifications, such as lawsuits alleging non-compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). A few considerations employers should make include getting legal advice and checking with insurance; developing a policy; using an FCRA-compliant service that specializes in pre-employment checks; notifying applicants that […]
What are the Differences Between Self-Run and Third-Party Background Checks?
Third-party companies are well-versed in running reliable, legal background checks on employment candidates. Perhaps the most important aspect of using this type of company is the compliance to Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulations. Running a quick online “people search” is not advisable, as many sites are not FCRA compliant, possibly leading to legal ramifications.
What Everyone Should Know About Employer Background Checks
Class action lawsuits surrounding background checks have been on the rise and some of America’s largest employers have been found to have violated federal rules, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Amazon, Target, Uber, and Wells Fargo all have been caught up in class action lawsuits for improperly conducting background checks while vetting […]
6 Common Mistakes Businesses Make with Background Checks
Conducting a proper background check can be a critical component of the hiring process, but with many businesses cutting corners to save time and money, mistakes can be costly. A few of the most common errors include: not creating a compliant background check policy, proceeding without employee consent, conducting an incomplete background check, only screening […]
What Types of Background Checks Are There?
The most common type of employment-related background check is the pre-employment screening, which can be conducted at any point during the hiring process, but is most often completed for candidates who have received a contingent job offer. Some employers, however, choose to conduct ongoing background checks on current employees, but the reasons for doing so […]

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening