Could You Spell That for Me? Court Grapples with FCRA Implications of the Surname E

A plaintiff who had been through a number of name changes throughout the years filed a suit against Experian, claiming that it was not reporting her credit while she was attempting to establish a good credit history. Although TransUnion and Equifax were reporting her, the third credit bureau argued that it does not support the use of a single name or a single initial for a surname. Maria was, at the time, using the last name E (with no period). In Maria E v. Experian, 2018 WL 2085221 (E.D. KY Feb 27, 2018), the court determined that, in order to state a claim, Maria E would need to show that Experian reported inaccurate information about her, which she could not.

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Posted Under: Legal Issues

Post By Nix (1,198 Posts)