Showing Posts In "Infinity Screening, Continuous Screening, Post Hire Screening, Rescreening and Continuous Monitoring" Category

The Case for Rescreening

Organizations can add another layer to mitigate risk by implementing periodic rescreening. This process can serve several purposes for businesses, including safety for customers and employees, protecting brand reputation from negative or adverse headlines, maintaining customer loyalty and trust, and mitigation of risk against financial loss. All employees should be part of either a time-based, […]

The Key to Effective Employee Screening: Pre-Hiring Verification vs. Post-Hiring Verification

Both pre-employment and post-employment verifications are important parts of an effective employee screening process. Both share a common goal of assessing an employee’s background at different points of employment. Pre-employment verification assesses a candidate’s suitability and credibility before they are hired. Doing so helps companies mitigate risk, save valuable resources, and enhance the overall efficiency […]

How Often Should You Run Continuous Background Checks on Your Contractor and Vendor Network?

It is common for businesses to implement a rescreening process every two years to prevent risk to the organization. Data suggest that less than 10 percent of rescreened individuals will be ineligible for work, with 51 percent due to drug test results, 34 percent due to criminal results, 13 percent due to MVR results, and […]

4 Signs You Need More Than a One-Time Background Check

Businesses thinking a one-time background check program for its contractors is enough should think again. There are four signs that a company needs more than a one-time background check. Employers should consider the fact that a background check is a point-in-time check that is subject to change at any time. Adding consistent rescreening or criminal […]

Employer Risk in a World of Home Delivery

Home deliveries have increased since the start of the pandemic by 113 percent, opening up a new risk of negligence for organizations when a crime has been committed by an employee at the home of a customer. According to attorney Michael Morra, an employer may either be found directly liable or vicariously liable for the […]

Why Contiguous Background Screening is Crucial: Four Scenarios

Background checks could be split into two categories: 1. Factors with limited potential for change and 2. Factors with the potential to change and put a business at risk. The failure to conduct continuous background screening can lead to significant risks for an organization. A few examples can include a change in a criminal record, […]

Rescreening vs. Continuous Screening

Employee screening shouldn’t end when an applicant has been hired. Rescreening and continuous monitoring can ensure the safety of the work environment is maintained. Rescreening, or rerunning one of the initial checks done as part of the hiring process, can tell an employer whether an employee has done something in the interim period between screens […]

Four Ways Post-Hire Continuous Monitoring Supports Employees

Continuous monitoring is a critical risk management tool that all businesses should consider, especially since, according to a 2015 Appriss Insights study, 12 percent of the workforce will be incarcerated once in the next five years. Criminal continuous monitoring technology allows employers to cross-check their employee roster information with timely booking information. Post-hire monitoring also […]

6 Best Practices for Implementing a Continuous Monitoring Program

The most recent Cisive Insights: Talent Screening Trends 2021, which includes the input of more than 1,500 worldwide human resources, talent acquisition, compliance and recruitment professionals, has indicated that most of the background checks introduced in 2020 consisted of ongoing or continuous monitoring. In today’s hybrid work world, this requires establishing the same process for […]

How Often Should You Run Continuous Background Checks On Your Contractor and Vendor Network?

While the process of performing a background screen on potential employees before making the hire is an important piece of the hiring process, continuous background checks can help alert an organization if someone is engaged in an activity that might bring risk to the business. Running a background check every two years can allow a […]


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