A Quick Guide on How to Select a Drug & Alcohol Screening Provider

No two companies are alike and similarly, no two company’s drug testing programs are likely to be the same

A drug test involves various stages leading up to final result and there are professional providers for each phase of the drug testing process. These providers include:

  • Device manufacturers
  • Specimen collectors (for urine, oral fluid, and hair),
  • Laboratories (for analysis of the collected specimen),
  • Medical Review Officers (MROs) (licensed medical professionals who verify test results),
  • Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs) who evaluate employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and make recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare, and
  • Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) who man­age the entire testing process, representing their clients with the other professionals in­volved in the testing process. In addition to outsourcing the above services, many TPAs offer their own internal collection services and sometimes even MRO services.

In order to select a drug testing provider who can meet your company’s needs, it is critical to first outline why your company drug tests and how you will define a successful program. Although this may seem simple, to be the most effective it should in­volve all stakeholders in the evaluation and under­standing of your program’s desired outcomes. Typical stakeholders in an organization can include the business owner or a designated representative, an HR manager, a safety coordinator, someone from the medical department if applicable, and anyone else with responsibility for employee per­formance, safety, and health.

Read more:
Quick Guide on How to Select a Drug & Alcohol Screening Provider

Post By Ken Shafton (2,393 Posts)