Thoroughly Verifying Provider Licenses and Certifications Improves the Quality of Health Care

It is the responsibility of health care organizations, providers and state and federal entitlement programs to verify that the type of care a physician is providing matches the license that the physician holds, that the license is in good standing, and that all data on licenses held is looked at for a complete view of the provider. This includes a broad look at license history and all statuses associated with that license(s), as well as checking all states where licensure has been held. It also confirms that licenses are not impaired, revoked, suspended, restricted, on probation or superseded in any states in which the provider has practiced. Verisys Corporation has launched its Verified License Search and Status® (VLSS) service, a real-time transaction engine that gathers, monitors and verifies primary source data on health care providers from licensing boards in every state and U.S. jurisdiction.

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Posted Under: Healthcare

Post By kris2015 (150 Posts)