Social Media Policy and Screening in K-12 Education

With schools moving in and out of remote options as the pandemic continues, it is important for expectations to be in place with all faculty and staff in mind that includes 1. a clear, definable social media policy and 2. mechanisms to uphold those polices. In order for any policy to be successful, however, it must reflect a school’s core values, as they serve as the background for a healthy learning environment. A social media policy protects not only individual staff members, but is also an ethical document that serves the community as a whole. Consistency is the key to bolstering success and encouraging an internal culture of integrity and accountability. That policy becomes actionable when it includes what is not permissible and outlines consequences and disciplinary processes for violations. Social media screening can serve as an efficient way to leverage web and social data to maintain school policy at each stage of the employee lifecycle, allowing administrators to screen potential candidates and oversee current employee’s public social data for intolerance, violence, sexual misconduct or other custom school-related concerns.


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,403 Posts)