Nanny Background Checks (The Complete Guide for Parents) 

After interviewing potential babysitters, running a background check is a great way to ensure everything checks out, but it’s important to follow some very important steps. These include: getting permission, only gathering necessary information, confirming the individual’s identity, checking their social media, verifying CPR and first aid training, checking their education records, contacting their references, checking their criminal history and driving record, and checking the National Sex Offender Registry. Keep in mind that some questions are off limits when gathering information, such as marital status, disability status, race or ethnicity, religion, age, where they were born and if they are pregnant or plan to get pregnant any time soon. While there are state regulations to be aware of, some states provide access to databases like the National Sex Offender Registry and child abuse and neglect records, and in some locations, it is acceptable to request a drug test. Nanny background checks are not perfect and won’t tell you everything, but they will give you good insight to the person you are hiring to take care of your child.

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Post By Ken Shafton (2,403 Posts)