Nanny Background Checks: Resources That Help 

Conducting a nanny background check is a great way to ensure that information provided to the family by a caregiver is accurate and that the person can do the job that is expected of them. Although some states are considered closed record states, there are still ways to conduct a background check. A quick and easy strategy is to check with formal and informal references, among other options. These include: meeting with the individual to pick up on face-to-face cues that may serve as a red flag, asking to see a photo ID and recording all pertinent information, checking with any licensing bodies he or she claims to be licensed with, asking the aid to sign a waiver of confidentiality to view personal history information and using an online people search website to confirm the information the worker has provided. It is also possible to consider hiring an agency to conduct the background check hired through a home care agency or use a private investigator to search for information about the individual. 

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Post By Ken Shafton (2,326 Posts)