Landlords and real estate professionals can now incorporate rental applications and tenant screenings right into rental listing ads.The Colorado based, paperless property leasing company, LeaseRunner, has launched its “Apply Now” service, allowing users to accept rental applications and screen potential tenants directly from ads on Craigslist, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress and other websites. LeaseRunner digitizes the rental process for property managers and tenants, including rental applications, background checks, e-signatures and rent collection. The Apply Now service is free to LeaseRunner customers and, should the landlord require them, prospective tenants pay for any credit or background checks.”By integrating applications and screening into the listing ad, LeaseRunner is transforming the leasing process,” said Joe Buczkowski, CEO and founder of LeaseRunner. “Landlords save time, money and hassle. Renters gain the ability to complete the leasing process digitally and securely.”Moreover, other than any screening fees, there’s no downside risk to the applicant. The tenant does not share his or her Social Security number with the landlord, and LeaseRunner’s background checks do not ‘ding’ the applicant’s credit score.