Continuous Screening: Look Before You Leap

Continuous screening can give a business the opportunity to identify criminal conduct that can occur after a person is hired, offering protection for both consumers that use “gig” economy services and traditional employers. Advocates of the screening, also called infinity screening or continuous monitoring, suggest it is a way to continue to demonstrate due diligence, protect the workplace, and combat insider threats and workplace violence. But there are several factors that should be considered, including accuracy, confirming the data at the primary source, issues regarding consent, permissible purpose, changing screening providers, next steps, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) guidelines, and the impact on the workforce. Those who oppose continuous screening argue that there is little empirical evidence that shows that such checks have resulted in any advantage to employers and that there is always the possibility of false positives and negatives.


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,393 Posts)