Showing Posts In "Accredited Background Screening, Background Screening Accreditation" Category
New! Updated Accreditation Resource Center
PBSA is excited to share our newly renovated Accreditation Resource Center.
PBSA Accreditation Program(s) – BSOAP Standard
US Employment Screening Standard V 3.0 and Audit Criteria Effective 07.01.2024 to present
US Employment Screening Standard V 2.0 and Audit Criteria Effective 04.06.2018 to 06.30.2024
General Background Screening Standard V 1.0 and Audit Criteria Effective 10.01.2023 to present
US V3.0 may be used as the accreditation standard for organizations who choose to do so […]
PBSA Accreditation Programs Policies & Procedures
BSOAP Policies and Procedures (Effective April 20, 2022)
Accredited Organization Code of Conduct
Statement of Use for BSOAP Logo
PBSA Accreditation Process & Forms
Instructions to Access BSOAP Accreditation Expiration Dates
PBSA Accreditation – One Page Flyer
BSOAP Overview
Accreditation Process Flowcharts
Initial Accreditation Letter of Intent Template
Initial & Reaccreditation Application Packet
Fee Schedule – Attachment 2 – BSOAP Policies and Procedures
Interim Surveillance Audit Application
Reaccreditation Clarification
Accreditation vs. Certificates
Background Check Company Explains Why Everyone Should Look for the PBSA Logo
Accreditation with the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) is the difference between a reputable consumer reporting agency and a questionable one. Those seeking to become accredited with the PBSA must meet strict professional standards in several areas, such as information security, legal compliance client education research and data standards, verification service standards, and business practices.
PBSA General Accreditation
By Derek Hinton, CEO, CRAzoom
PBSA has introduced General Accreditation. This is a “global” accreditation, not just the U.S. The cost of this General Accreditation is $6450.
However, if you do it at the same time as the U.S. accreditation, it’s $1000. (Initial or 5-year renewal) And, it’s about 85% the same or similar to the U.S. […]
Background Check Company Explains Why Everyone Should Look for the PBSA Logo
The Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) is the premier non-profit trade association for the employment and tenant screening industry. CredentialCheck explains why PBSA accreditation is a must-have credential for any background check company.
Who screens the screeners? It may seem like a nonsense question but given how many organizations make critical decisions based on the reports […]
Why It’s Important to Pick an Accredited Background Screening Company
The first step in the background screening process should be to seek out a company that is accredited by the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA). Those accredited with the PBSA must demonstrate ongoing compliance with professional standards via rigorous desk and on-site audits. They must also document all relevant policies and processes to indicate their […]
Why It’s Important to Find PBSA Accredited Companies for Your Screening Solutions
When conducting background checks, it is important to look specifically for screening providers that are accredited by the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA). The global organization was established to protect the interests of companies that offer background screening services and to promote a high level of ethics and performance standards across the screening industry. Companies […]
What Does Certified Background Screening Even Mean?
Choosing a background screening service vendor that is accredited by the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) is an important piece of the hiring process. PBSA accreditation signals are high-quality in an incredibly competitive arena. Since 2003, the PBSA has “existed to advance excellence in the screening profession,” putting vendors through a rigorous process of “demonstrating […]

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening