Showing Posts In "EBI" Category
The Government’s Anti-corruption Plan
On December 18 2014 the UK government published its Anti-corruption Plan. The plan recognises that bribery and corruption are major issues across the public and private sectors and seeks to make the United Kingdom a leader in the global effort to combat them. The plan gives the National Crime Agency (NCA) the lead role in […]
New drug driving law explained… the essential info
Since March, it has become an offence to drive while over a specified limit of drug use. This is similar to the drink driving laws and means police no longer need to show an impairment to driving due to drugs, simply that the driver is over the limit. Employers should ensure that any drivers who […]
HR’s Checklist for Dealing With Substance Misuse in a Workforce
An employee’s use of illegal drugs, whether at work or at home, can affect relationships with colleagues, increase absence, reduce productivity and cause an unsafe working environment. The possession of illegal drugs, and buying or selling them, also exposes employees to the risk of criminal charges.
Employers have a legal duty to ensure, as far as […]
The Biggest Liars Revealed
According to Ina van der Merwe, Director and CEO, Managed Integrity Evaluation (MIE), qualification fraud is fast becoming a significant problem in South Africa – increasing by 200% over the last five years (2009 – 2014) and impacting even the highest executive levels. “The massive increase in the last five years refers to qualifications we […]
Highlights of the Canada Digital Privacy Act 2015
On June 18, 2015, the Canadian Parliament passed the Digital Privacy Act (DPA), Senate Bill S-4, into law. The DPA amends Canada’s federal data protection statute, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in important respects, including introducing a new data breach notification requirement (which is not yet in force) and making other […]
Random Drug and Alcohol Policy Struck Down
An Alberta arbitration board allowed the union’s policy grievance and struck down the employer’s random drug and alcohol testing policy in Unifor, Local 707A v Suncor Energy Inc, 2014 CanLII 23034. The policy was part of an array of measures adopted by Suncor to ensure the safety of its workforce in an admittedly hazardous workplace. A […]
New Police Record Checks Reforms Introduced
On June 3, 2015, the Ontario government introduced Bill 113, the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015, legislation that would, if passed, implement a new process governing requests for searches of the Canadian Police Information Centre databases, or other police databases, in connection with screening an individual for certain purposes. Among other things, the Bill […]
Manager Narrowly Escapes Jail Time for Making a False Statement on an I-9 Form
Human resource and hiring managers are becoming painfully aware of the potential dangers lurking behind the Form I-9 and E-Verify process. For the most part, these tales of woe stem from procedural failures such as missing or incorrectly completed I-9s, which can lead ICE to assess “paperwork” penalties and fines. The Department of Justice announced […]
I-9 and E-Verify Decisions Can Lead to Unfair Labor Practices
We’ve been seeing a new risk associated with I-9s, originating (ironically) from employers’ often-diligent attempts to prevent mistakes in the first place. This particular threat emerges from within – from the employer’s own workforce in the form of a claim of unfair labor practices before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Even if your employees […]
California Employer Agrees to Pay Largest Civil Penalty for Discrimination During the I-9 Process
The Department of Justice announced that Luis Esparza Services, Inc. (LES) had agreed to pay $320,000 to resolve allegations that the company engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination during the I-9 process. In the case at hand, it appears that LES routinely required individuals attesting to be lawful permanent residents to present a […]

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening