While most companies currently perform background screening on employees once at the pre-hire stage, “the new normal may call for continuous, post-hire monitoring” in the near future to avoid insider threats, according to a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article. The fact that Continuous Screening is a process that more employers are considering as a critical post-hire due diligence tool is Trend Number 5 in the Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) 10th annual ‘ESR Top Ten Background Check Trends’ for 2017. “An evolving practice called ‘Continuous Screening’ involves periodic background checks on current employees to identify criminal cases that can occur after a worker was hired. While Continuous Screening can be a risk-management tool, employers need to consider a number of factors to determine if it’s worthwhile, fair, and legally compliant,” says ESR founder and CEO Attorney Lester Rosen.


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,354 Posts)