Tips for Re-screening Employees After a Merger or Acquisition

Acquisitions and mergers are a common occurrence in today’s business world fueling growth and profitability, expanded market share and the introduction of new products and services. There are many items to be checked off on the “to do” list during the merger process from the organizational side, but what about the human factor? Reasons for Re-Screening Employees After a Merger Companies need to be aware of the possible risks that could exist in the staff of the business they just acquired. Organizations need to make sure that a background screening program is included in the procurement process and added to the total cost of ownership to mitigate the risks and protect the brand after the merger. Background screening policies will depend on industries. Some industries such as financial, transportation and medical require screening, while others do not. There are a few reasons why it is important to re-screen employees after a merger:


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,326 Posts)