3 Keys for Continuous Monitoring

When it comes to bringing on a new employee, tenant or business partner there is a need to continuously manage your risk as long as the professional relationship persists. That belief is driving the trend to take the “pre” out of pre-employment screening and other types of background checks. Continuous monitoring is not new, but it certainly is not yet as common as pre-screening. Not all components of a pre-screen are possible or even needed. For example, educational verification information remains static. Screeners are focusing on criminal and fraudulent activity. Historically, a monitoring search meant a manual re-screen of the original search, most often done annually. Today, monitoring services are typically derived from automated data feeds. It would be cost-prohibitive to conduct very frequent manual checks, so screeners are starting to pay more attention to the increasingly available information online. Here are three things to demand when considering continuous monitoring for your screening program.


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,403 Posts)