3 Employment Screening Trends to Know Before You Hire in 2020

Employers are encouraged to become familiar with the latest trends before making new hires in 2020. Experts believe that class-action lawsuits that claim violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) will continue to rise and could be very costly to employers. Data from Good Jobs First reports that companies have paid out $174 million over the past decade to settle FCRA claims, but employers can save themselves the trouble and financial burden by routinely reviewing their forms and modifying them to stay ahead of the curve, said Jennifer Mora, an attorney with Seyfarth Shaw. State and local laws regarding pre-employment screening also will continue to spread across the country, with more states passing ban-the-box laws, salary history bans, and various types of marijuana laws. It is also believed that the use of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and algorithms for screening applicants will generate more scrutiny.


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,435 Posts)