Showing Posts In "Mexico" Category
Data Protection 2022
In Mexico, data protection legislation is not based on sectoral laws. The Law regulates the collection and processing of any personal information by any private entity acting as a Controller or Processor, which impacts any sector that is involved in any sort of personal data collection or processing. The National Institute of Transparency, Access to […]
Mexico Cannabis Legalization is Postponed (And That’s OK)
The Lower Chamber has deferred discussion of the Cannabis Law bill to next year and has asked the Mexican Supreme Court for an extension of the previous December 15 deadline to implement legalization. The Supreme Court granted the extension to April 2021, citing COVID and “giving Congress due time to exercise its powers” as causes. […]
In Mexico, must owners of PII offer individuals any degree of choice or control over the use of their information? The law provides individuals with ‘ARCO’ rights: to access (the right to know what information is being held and handled by the PII controller); rectify (the right to request at any time that the PII […]
Relevance of Complying with Data Protection Regulation in Mexico
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has changed the way in which the treatment and processing of personal data is regulated. It is first important to identify the people who will be responsible for implementing a complete personal data protection program or policy. These individuals, called the Data Controller and Data Processor, are figures who […]
Mexico’s Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties entered into force in 2010. Since then, the National Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection has been tasked with enforcing the Law. Nuhad Ponce Kuri, Partner at Ponce Kuri, discusses the data protection framework in Mexico and efforts to […]
Mexico’s economy posted its fastest growth in more than two years. Gross domestic product grew by 1.0 percent in the third quarter compared with the prior quarter MXGDPQ=ECI, according to seasonally adjusted data from Mexico’s statistics agency, in line with estimates in a Reuters poll. It was the fastest quarterly […]
Mexico Will Not Rush to Compliance Review, Enforcement of New Law, DPA Chief Assures
Mexico’s data protection authority will not rush to carry out compliance inspections or take enforcement actions when rules implementing the country’s new data protection law begin taking effect in July, the head of the DPA, the InstitutoDeral De Acceso a la InformaciónPública (IFAI), said March […]
Mexico Issues Privacy Regulations for Public Comment
On July 6, 2011, Mexico’s Secretary of Economy, in conjunction with the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (“IFAI”), released wide-ranging privacy regulations for public comment. The regulations establish rules and guidelines for the implementation of Mexico’sFederal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private […]
Regulators Disagree About Approach To Online-Privacy Rules
Data and privacy regulators from governments around the world met in Mexico City last week for the 33rd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners to discuss online privacy issues. The topic of debate centered on big databases and how their benefits can be tapped into without the costs of discrimination and invasion of […]
Final Version of Data Protection Law In Effect Today
Mexico has released the final version of its Regulations of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, which includes minor changes to the prior draft, reports Hunton& Williams’ Privacy and Information Security Law Blog. The final version includes “clarification of notice and consent requirements, changes to restrictions on […]

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening