PBSA and HR.com Release 4th Industry Survey Results

PBSA commissioned HR.com to conduct the 4th annual survey of our end-user community. This report reveals emerging trends in who is being screened and how often, what elements go into a background check and the increasing value of international screening capabilities.

View the full report: https://bit.ly/2Zv9LMA

The findings show that 94% of employers conduct at least one type of background screening.

The 2020 survey also found that 85% of employers say access to international screening capabilities is important, with 57% saying international screening is important to their organization directly.

For a complete overview of the 2020 Industry Survey results, register for the July 21st webinar here: https://bit.ly/3h77X2v presented by PBSA Chair Bon Idziak and Executive Director Melissa Sorenson. This webinar is open to the public and all members are encouraged to invite their clients to participate.

Posted Under: Breaking News

Post By Ken Shafton (2,375 Posts)