New U.S. Model Penal Code Could Severely Impact Access to Sexual Offender Registries

The revisions to the MPC were quietly approved on May 17, 2022, by the American Law Institute (ALI), a nonprofit organization comprising judges, attorneys, and law professors who provide legal recommendations to states to clarify, update, and standardize criminal laws.

Staca Shehan, who oversees the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) Child Sex Trafficking and Sex Offender Tracking teams, “warned that the revisions, if adopted by states, would not only block public access to registries, but also dismantle large portions of the sex offender registry system. Daycare providers, youth organizations, schools, volunteer groups, and businesses would also be blocked from having access to critical information when vetting employees or volunteers to determine if they are registered sex offenders and what sex crimes they’ve been convicted of in the past.”


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,405 Posts)