Introduction to China’s Education System and Education Verification

Employers want to find people who are not only well qualified with relevant education background, but also ethical. Therefore, conducting an education background check should be on employer’s priority list, especially because a significant amount of job applicants misrepresent their education background, costing employers time and money to replace unqualified hires. Some of those who don’t have an advanced degree decide to resort to false diploma when they start job hunting. That explains why diploma mills or outright falsified diplomas are so popular among jobseekers. Common ways to confirm a diploma’s authenticity include checking: the Higher Education Graduates Database in China – released by Ministry of Education, the nation’s trusted source for education verification; the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) – an organization with the independent qualification of legal entity directly under the joint leadership of Ministry of Education and the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council (ADCSC); with the university directly.

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