How Historical Data Can Be Key to Patient Safety

Historical data presented through sources like the Office of Inspector General’s List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (OIG’s LEIE) and FACIS can be beneficial in the future for keeping patients safe. When hospitals check and continuously monitor against these sources, questionable behavior and prior arrests can be discovered. Medical Staff Professionals (MSPs) should be required to undergo complete and comprehensive initial credentials screening and verification, yet many health care facilities do not tap historical data or records from other jurisdictions and license types than where the applicant currently resides and the practice for which is being applied. Screening and monitoring against primacy sources like the OFAC, DEA, NPI, FBI, OIG, SAM, State Licensing Boards, and Agencies, as well as the National Sex Offender Registry and State Abuse Registries, all should be considered.


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,403 Posts)