How Employee Monitoring Keeps Schools Safe

In the U.S., students spend 8,884 hours on average completing primary and secondary lower education. This means that students spend an overwhelming amount of their key developmental years with their peers and teachers, as well as school faculty and staff members. Growing up, the people with whom we spend the most time unquestionably affect the quality of our education, our attitudes toward learning, our mental health, and the development of our personalities.

Leaders in education have little control over which students attend their schools, but it is within their power to hire great role models for students. It’s critical that school leaders ensure students receive their education from qualified individuals who pose no risk to students’ safety, well-being, and development.

Running background checks on teachers and staff members at the time of hire is a prerequisite to job offers. However, the moment a background check gets completed, the criminal data is already stale and out of date. Initial background checks also do not allow you to monitor for any changes in the behavior and activities of current employees. Luckily, the latest innovation in background screening helps, allowing supervisors to regularly monitor employees’ criminal records, motor vehicle records, and more. 4 Ways Continuous Monitoring Helps Educational Organizations

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Posted Under: Continuous Monitoring

Post By Ken Shafton (2,435 Posts)