During their 6th Annual Meeting, the Association of Francophone Data Protection Authorities (AFAPDP) considered proposals for a framework for international data transfers between French-speaking nations. Members have requested additional time to assess the proposals, therefore adoption is postponed and should occur no later than at the next annual meeting or by the end of 2013. The documents are largely based on the Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) model developed at European level, supplemented by an agreement of cooperation between the francophone data protection authorities. “A francophone domain of data protection is in the process of being established [which] should lead us to the adoption of a framework and a cooperation mechanism to regulate the international transfer of data within the francophone space,” said Jean Chartier, President of the AFAPDP and the Quebec data protection authority. “One of the main aims of the AFAPDP is to bring together all francophone countries concerned with the question of data protection and encourage the governments, especially those in Africa, to enact data protection laws.”