Five Questions to Evaluate Your Sex Offender Registry Search Process

A successful sex offender registry (SOR) program requires strategic decision making on three factors, which include sources (managing the nuances in the web of federal, state, county and tribal SOR sites), processes (effectiveness in maximizing efficiency and mitigating downtime), and resources (choosing what to manage in-house and what to outsource to a partner.) There are five questions that can be used to evaluate the quality of SOR searches and verifications. 1. Are your sex offender registry searches real-time, or are they relying on a database? 2. Do your sex offender registry searches leverage national, state, and county registries in tandem? 3. Are you maximizing the potential of automation within your sex offender registry search workflow? 4. Does your sex offender registry search process mitigate known problems with state registries? 5. Have you looked into outsourcing?


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,435 Posts)