As manufacturers increase the use of drug testing, seeking candidates who are less likely to pose safety risks on the job due to substance-related impairments, employers are being stymied in the search for skilled workers because of failed drug tests. Although employers are not required to make individuals take a drug test, hiring someone with an addiction puts the company at risk. Annie Short, grant coordinator for Healthiest Manitowoc County 2020, said employers are seeing as many as half of potential employees fail the drug test, preventing them from being hired. Most of the companies reporting failed drug tests are in the manufacturing industry with marijuana making up 95% of all failed tests. “It all continues to be a vicious circle, because we know a lot of people are using drugs because of the economy, because they’re depressed or because they can’t get a job. And yet they can’t get a job because they’re using drugs,” said Short. Short also said she already has sent a letter to state legislatures stating this issue is concerning on numerous levels.
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