Showing Posts In "Identity Verification, Fingerprinting, and Biometric Identifiers" Category
The Evolution and Impact of Fingerprint-Based Criminal Background Checks in Employing Teachers
Fingerprint-based criminal background checks in the hiring process of teachers have evolved to become a crucial tool for ensuring the safety and integrity of educational environments. By examining the historical context, advancements in technology, and the implications for schools, this article emphasizes the importance of thorough background checks in safeguarding students and maintaining public trust […]
FinCEN Alert: Fraud Schemes Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Circumvent Financial Institution’s Identity Verification, Authentication, and Due Diligence Controls
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has issued FIN-2024-Alert004 to help financial institutions identify fraud schemes associated with the use of deepfake media created with generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in response to increased suspicious activity reporting. The company has identified two practices as tools to attempt to reduce a financial institution’s vulnerability to deepfake identity […]
Digital Identity Verification and Credentialing in the Workforce
Embellishment of qualifications and providing false credentials is becoming more and more commonplace, according to a recent ResumeLab survey, which revealed that 7 in 10 U.S.-based workers admitted to lying on their resumes. It is important to go beyond traditional screening methods to find solutions for today’s digital age. These include biometric verification, digital wallets […]
Intellicheck Aces Independent Fake ID Detection Test
Greenway Solutions’ Fraud Red Team has announced that Intellicheck successfully identified 20 fake driver’s licenses with its identity document validation technology. Greenway’s report says that identity validation provides a major deterrent to fraudsters.
An Ocean of Fraud: Industry Offers Biometrics and Data Exploitation Solutions After Sweeping COVID-19 Fraud
The federal government is trying to figure out how much money was lost to fraud during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a number that could range between $36 and $400 billion. Industry leaders believe advances in identity verification biometrics technology and data protection could keep this from happening again in the future. Technology like […]
Damages for Violations of BIPA are Discretionary, Not Mandatory
Under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), companies using biometric data risk noncompliance and could face significant fines per violation. In June, a federal district court reversed its award of $228 million to a class of plaintiffs alleging breach of BIPA, finding that the amount of damages under BIPA is discretionary, not mandatory.
Biometrics vs. the Wallet: The Future of Authentication
The processes of authentication, identification, and authorization in the digital world have been getting more and more attention as a result of the planned changes to the eIDAS regulation (electronic identification, Authentication, and trust Services). The European Commission is promoting a Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI Wallet) as part of eIDAS 2.0, intended to enable all […]
Selfie ID Biometric Verification Vendor’s Bid for Dismissal of BIPA Class Action Rejected by Federal Court
An Illinois federal court has rejected a selfie ID facial recognition identity verification vendor’s bid for dismissal of a Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) class action. Davis v. Jumio Corp., highlights the challenges and complexities in obtaining dismissals of biometric privacy class actions before proceeding to the discovery phase of litigation. Companies should consider taking […]
Screening Company Must Face Biometric Privacy Claims In Court – Appeals Panel
A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday said a rental car service’s arbitration agreements with its customers does not shield a third-party company that verifies the identities of the service’s users from being sued under a unique Illinois biometric privacy law in court.
A unanimous three-judge panel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a […]
HooYu Aligns Brand with Mitek, Signs Up Selfie Biometrics Partner
HooYu, now known as Mitek Systems, has been contracted by to provide a digital identity screening solution for Right to Work and DBS checks. Managing Director UK Robin Clarke has said the integration with Mitek has sped up its background-checking processes.

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening