Showing Posts In "COVID-19 Background Screening Issues" Category
More Transparency, More Communication Required in a Post-COVID-19 Workforce
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift in the workplace that has led to a need for more transparency and communication. Hybrid cultures – or those that involve employees working from various locations – should include hybrid communication so that all players are on the same page. Building trust and inviting honest feedback is another […]
How to Keep Hiring Safety in Mind During the Pandemic
Forgoing the background check requirements to save time can put a business at risk. A proper background screening process can help a company confirm or reveal information about the job candidate and allows employers to address the risk that arises among an active workforce. A comprehensive continuous monitoring system should be considered to keep information […]
The Pandemic is Complicating the Background Check Process
Thanks to the pandemic, background checks are taking longer than they did before and some businesses are not conducting them at all. Still, nearly a quarter of the respondents in a recent survey revealed that they are more concerned about identity theft due to the health crisis. Government slowdowns and shutdowns and inaccessibility of government […]
How Should Businesses Conduct Background Checks in the Post-Pandemic World?
The post-pandemic world has presented additional challenges for employers when it comes to compliance, but employment screening can offer numerous benefits. These include better-informed hiring decisions that keep workplaces safe; compliance with Ban-the-Box laws, which are expected to increase in numbers through the course of 2021; and incident prevention, a more effective way to deal […]
How the Pandemic Affected Background Screening in 2020
The pandemic has caused employers to face a struggling economy and a challenge to remain viable and maintain operations while reducing the risk of contagion to their workforce. Some notable changes to the legal landscape when it comes to managing background screening programs include the enactment of additional Ban-the-Box laws and Pay Equity and Salary […]
New Hire Screening is Crucial for Industries Whose Need for Employees Grows Due to COVID-19
Although many have found themselves unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some industries are under strain and seeking to hire new staff. The health sector and online retailers have witnessed big increases in their need for employees, causing them to need to hire quickly and put HR managers under a great deal of stress. Using […]
The Power of Proximity: Influencing in the Era of Social Distancing
Research conducted by MIT’s Human Dynamics Lab has found that 80 percent of our ability to influence someone else occurs during face-to-face interactions and that physical requests are 34 times more effective than those sent by email. The ability to read one another’s social signals, including facial expressions, body movements, and gestures, has become difficult […]
4 Simple Ways to Pandemic-Proof Your Employee Background Verification Process
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new challenges for the background screening industry with educational institutes and government and private offices closing their doors, but there are several things that can be done to allow for the adaptation of present-day barriers. These include reaching out to the partner/verification services provider to better understand the ground reality, […]
California Will Free Up to 8,000 Inmates to Limit Virus Spread
According to a Politico report, California Gov. Gavin Newsom will expedite the release of up to 8,000 inmates to limit the spread of the coronavirus among inmates and prison staff under an order that applies to inmates who have less than a year remaining in their sentences. The order does, however, prohibit the release of […]
Background Checks in the Age of Coronavirus
“The problem for those who are hiring, or are re-hiring laid-off workers, is how to conduct pre-hire due diligence and background checks when many courts, schools, and businesses are closed – resulting in employers and educational institutions unable to respond to verification requests,” Rosen writes in the whitepaper.
In the whitepaper, Rosen discusses how Coronavirus […]

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening