Showing Posts In "Background Screening Basics" Category
How well do you know your background check basics?
Background checks are complicated, highly regulated, and come with big consequences. Even minor mistakes cause big problems. Missed talent opportunities. Unhappy candidates. Increased legal risk. Nothing slows down—or even stops—the recruiting process like a bad background check.
Read the ebook to learn:
What searches are included in a background check
How to stay compliant with the FCRA and […]
The Basics of Pre-Employment Screening and Safe Hiring – What Every Employer and HR Professional Needs to Know
Pre-employment screening can help employers ensure that there is no reason not to hire a candidate by digging into factors like employment experience, the education, and credentials that are necessary, or any past criminal convictions. Screening firms, however, do not offer employment decisions or opinions, nor does it provide legal advice or invade an applicant’s […]
6 Things Employers Need to Consider Before Conducting Drug Tests
Oregon recently made history when it became the first state to decriminalize possession of drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, LSD, and other hard drugs. Use of the drugs will no longer result in a criminal record, leading employers to wonder if they should update drug testing or hiring policies. According to Jared Rosenthal, founder, and CEO […]
Time to Go Back to School on FCRA ‘Disclosure & Authorization’ Requirements
For all the Private Investigator firms that conduct background checks its time to go back to school.
How is it possible, at this point in time, that service providers and their clients are still getting it wrong when it comes to creating a legally compliant ‘disclosure and authorization form for job applicants to provide their consent […]
A Lawsuit Waiting to Happen: Get Cannabis Testing Right or You Will End Up in Court!
Legal cannabis and hemp or CBD has become the latest rave racing rapidly across the U.S.and finding its way into many consumer products. The availability of products containing CBD in varying proportions is increasing exponentially.As CBD products surge in the marketplace they also present employers who conduct drug testing with a new issue, Can Common […]
How well do you know your background check basics?
Background checks are complicated, highly regulated, and come with big consequences. Even minor mistakes cause big problems. Missed talent opportunities. Unhappy candidates. Increased legal risk. Nothing slows down — or even stops — the recruiting process like a bad background check.
Download the Beginner’s Guide to Background Checks to learn:
What searches are included in a background check
How to stay compliant […]
The Evolution of Risk Management From Background Screens to Continuous Monitoring
since the 1990s, which saw a rise in high-profile cases of workplace violence,
as well as an increase in negligent hiring claims, the background screening
industry has welcomed technological assistance as new threats have become
presented. What once consisted of a one-time background screening process now
includes continuous monitoring that reduces risk and makes the workplace safer.
With 96 percent […]
Are Your Clients Using Federal Criminal Record Searches?
All too often, HR Managers and end-users skimp on the federal criminal record churches, relying solely on county courthouse searches. Federal searches include violations of federal law, such as those enforced by the DHS, FBI, DEA, ATF and other federal government agencies, and don’t appear in state or county criminal reports. Crimes that may surface […]
FCRA Climbing the Ladder to Top Consumer Litigation Statute
Class action lawsuits involving the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) are nothing new. But the 265 lawsuits that were filed in February 2017 saw a 59.2 percent increase, jumping to 422. According to Wesley Bulgarella and Jonathan Hoffman, attorneys with Balch & Bingham LLP, FCRA filings have even started to outnumber Telephone Consumer Protection Act […]
The ICE Man Cometh
While its true that Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) class action lawsuits have been steadily on the rise, it is perhaps the immigration status issues that have overshadowed the news. President Trump signed Executive Order 13788 Buy American and Hire American calling for the rigorous enforcement and administration of existing laws to protect the interests […]

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening