Showing Posts In "South Africa" Category
Is Your Criminal Record Stopping You from Moving Forward in Life? Find Out If It Is Possible to Expunge Your Record
Criminal record expungement opens up doors for those with a criminal history, but not all crimes qualify. The South African Government has provided criteria that must be met in order to have a record expunged. A few of those guidelines include: A period of 10 years has passed after the date of the conviction for […]
POPIA: Do Not Allow Yourself to Be the First Example Of The Regulator’s Bite
The chairperson of the Information Regulator established in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 issued a stern warning at a media breakfast briefing address in June 2022. The Regulator has received and concluded preliminary investigations on more than 700 complaints from various data subjects. Most complaints received relate to direct marketing, indicating […]
Are You a Local Company or Multinational Processing Personal Information in South Africa?
If you are, do you know that South Africa has recently passed a new privacy law for local companies and multinationals who process personal information in South Africa? The POPIA requires compliance, and one step is to ensure that your organization’s most valuable asset, its people, are trained and skilled on information management and privacy […]
Fort Hare Professor Used Fake Master’s Degree to Obtain His PhD
A Fort Hare professor has been found to have faked his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Marketing. A report charges that the professor’s MBA, which he claimed he obtained from a now-defunct Kensington University (KU) in Hawaii’s Honolulu, is a sham because it was purportedly granted to him in 1995, a year before the […]
Does POPIA Apply to Social Media Posts?
South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 is to protect personal information and ensure that the right to privacy in terms of the Constitution is upheld. Given the definition of personal information in the Act, where a post is created on a social media platform, the post’s subject will be deemed the […]
Can You Judge a Potential Employee by Their Tattoo?
The South African recruitment industry recently was under fire after Bheki Cele, the police minister said that the South African Police Services (SAPS) would not employ people with tattoos as they had a “tendency of being a gangster”. Labor expert Derrick Thalavirsan of HR Support Services said that Cele’s utterances are problematic and unfortunate for […]
iFacts Releases 2022 Employee Screening Trends Report
South Africa’s leading online employee screening service provider announced the release of its 5th Employee Screening Trends report. The 2022 Report has revealed some fascinating trends, including the fact that 41% of economic crimes are being committed by employees. Following the global pandemic, hybrid and remote working models are here to stay. Based on findings […]
Maintaining Compliance with The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)
In South Africa, how can one comply with the next two POPIA conditions, which are Process Limitation and Purpose Specification? These conditions regulate when, where, and what personal information is processed. Compliance with the conditions entails the responsible party ensuring that all personal information processed is done lawfully and in a manner that does not […]
Is Qualification Fraud on The Rise?
Recently, there have been news articles relating to qualification fraud in South Africa, and with organizations where one would believe that the verification of qualifications was the norm. Companies should not throw qualifications and years of experience to the side, but they should consider updating their employee screening process to include assessments that consider soft […]
Doing Business in South Africa Requires Effective Due Diligence
Corruption is on the lips of virtually every South African in today’s world. In April 2022, the Civil Society Group Corruption Watch published its annual report for 2021, highlighting the types of corruption that have continued to affect the country post-pandemic. It is important that all South African businesses conduct basic due diligence checks. What […]

The Global Background Screener

The Background Buzz!
(U.S. Background Screening