The NAPBS Board of Directors approved the Canadian Chapter’s application in September. With this approval Canada becomes the newest chapter following in the footsteps of APAC and Europe. To join the Canadian Chapter or for more information contact the Chapter Chair, Nadine Lecomte There is an Urgent Need for Greater Fairness and Clarity in the Police Background Check Process
Canadian Civil Liberties Association calls for standards that would prohibit the release of information other than convictions, except in rare circumstances. It also says non-conviction records should be reviewed regularly and destroyed where warranted. It also says individuals should have a right to be notified on the information in their file and be able to appeal it before an independent adjudicator.While there are laws governing the release of certain information, such as under the Privacy Act and the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the report says there are no set standards for what police services can or can’t collect and release in police checks. It calls the situation across Canada “a patchwork” of policies that may violate Canada’sCharter of Rights and Freedoms.The report says the problem is particularly acute in Alberta, where it says there is too much discretion is left to individuals in police services as to what information can and should be retained and released.