3 Background Screening Trends You Need to Know Now

We are more than half a year into the massive time-out forced on us by COVID-19. The world is scrambling to define the ‘new normal’ and changes are happening with pre-employment background checking. Organizations worldwide have been focusing on ‘pandemic-proofing’ their employment background checks.

Here are a few major background screening trends employers need to know about:

  1. Anticipated Delays in Screening
    Employers are experiencing noticeable delays in screening candidates due to delays in receiving information from courts and educational institutions due to temporary closure.
  1. Drug Testing is Changing
    Pre-employment drug testing visits are not being permitted in labs forcing consideration of alternative testing methods.
  1. Post-employment Background Screening – a viable option?
    Employers are looking at conducting a background-check after employees join the organization. When choosing this option employers should remain aware of the risk that they may face by making wrong hires.

Also, critical to check your background screening disclosures provided to employees and ensure that there is an option regarding future background checks that consent has been granted for.


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,403 Posts)