Know Your Enemy? Cut the People Risk

Human risk specialist, Jenny Reid, says hiring decisions can be made safer by looking behind the job applicants’ mask and knowing your enemy. These days, companies can call on screening companies with the required skills, contacts and equipment to look behind the mask. Specifically trained and technologically enabled researchers will get that job done thoroughly and quickly saving companies from making personnel selection mistakes, and saving them time and money. Reid pointed out that human nature has changed very little in the last 15 centuries; mostly it is good and conforms to decency, fairness and lawfulness. But, she warned, dishonesty persists in society. In the corporate arena, companies must be scrupulously and constantly on their guard if they are to identify today’s workplace enemies. Crime in the corporate environment has its own ‘state of the art’ driven by technology just like everything else. New electronics, software and cyber and digital engineering helps the criminal as much as it does the straight and narrow of us. She warned that reaction often means too late, while pro-action provides a fighting chance to thwart attacks on companies, or could dissuade would-be criminal acts because the perpetrator regards installed safeguards effective enough to send lawbreakers looking for easier prey.

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