Showing Posts In "Uruguay" Category

Uruguay Achieves Adequacy in Data Protection

Uruguay has been declared adequate by the European Union regarding Personal Data Protection. This recognition implies an approval of the legal security provided by Uruguay, which improves the flow of personal data between countries that have this distinction. It also sets a significant milestone that confirms […]

The Public Voice” in Uruguay: WP 29 Chair Says Proposed EU Regulation is Not Tough Enough

Civil society organizations concerned with privacy and data protection are meeting as “The Public Voice” in Uruguay, in advance of the 34th Annual Meeting of Data Protection Authorities and Privacy Commissioners. At the opening panel of The Public Voice, Article 29 Working Party Chair Jacob Konstamm spoke in favor of strengthening […]

Council of Europe Promotes Personal Data Protection in Latin America

The Council of Europe is promoting international co-operation in the field of personal data protection, in particular by encouraging non member states to ratify the Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, also known as Convention 108. Uruguay has initiated the ratification process and […]

Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana!

The Uruguayan Senate voted to approve a government-sponsored bill to legalize marijuana commerce. The Senate vote was the final vote needed for the bill to pass; all amendments to the bill were defeated, so it now goes to the desk of President Jose Mujica, who supports it. Once Mujica signs the bill into law, it […]


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