Many people with a criminal record have made a single mistake. For millions, that mistake was shoplifting, passing a bad check, or having an argument turn into a fight. Nearly one-third of the adult working-age population has a criminal record, and because of a single mistake, they will face huge obstacles to achieving gainful employment. Research shows that job applicants with criminal records are proving to be a viable workplace solution and a valuable talent force for many organizations.
Resources to confidently hire and develop employees with a criminal background.
Proactive and well-informed employment practices can mitigate the challenges faced by employers and employees. By embracing best practices, employers can identify a diverse pool of qualified applicants, improve opportunities for those deserving of second chances and have a direct positive impact on their communities – strengthening them and keeping them safe.
The SHRM ‘Getting Talent Back to Work’ Digital Toolkit provides no-cost, high-quality resources along each step of an employee journey to support an employer’s efforts to recruit, welcome, and develop individuals with a criminal background.