What is a Medical Sanction?

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) requires a healthcare sanction screening that is checked against the List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE) for individuals or entities who have participated in the following activities: Medicare and Medicaid fraud; patient abuse or neglect; felony convictions; financial fraud; and illegal manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of controlled substances. Organizations that hire or employ an excluded individual or entity may be subject to civil monetary penalties (CMP) and other penalties. A sanctions list can be used to check for excluded individuals or entities barred from federal healthcare programs and should be checked by employers as a way to screen potential hires prior to employment. Those that should be checked include the LEIE and the Fraud and Abuse Control Information Systems (FACIS).


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Post By Ken Shafton (2,405 Posts)