Vince Brodt, SJV, Vice President of Client Experience |
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Grab a latte, sit back and join us for an ‘electrifying’ interview with Vince Brodt, SJV, Vice President of Client Experience
Vince shared that he has grown up in the Background Screening Industry. He started working at SJV as an intern, during his Senior Year of high school. He said. “Next thing I know, I’m at NAPBS in a white suit and white shoes? What happened? Well, there were many years of seasonal employment that occurred while I attended undergrad and post-graduate educational pursuits.” He smiled as he said he saw SJV grow each time he came back home on a break from school. He has been associated with the industry for 16 years and been a part of the SJV team full-time since 2007.
Before coming back to SJV full-time, Vince worked as a Graduate Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach for Utah State University. He noted that “As a ‘G.A.’, you work a full-time schedule with the varsity level student athletes across all teams, while also maintaining a full-time class schedule en route to a Master’s Degree.” He added that “It was incredibly challenging” and he learned a valuable lesson that he often thinks about to this day. “If you can be successful as a Collegiate Strength Coach, you can be successful in any type of business. Trust me!”
When asked about something he particularly likes about working in the background screening industry without hesitation he said, “Everyone always says they love the people they work with in the industry…because its true! We have an amazing group of people in our industry that are incredibly personable, generous, inviting, and still very professional, as well. You can’t ask for a better environment to flourish in.”
Turning the conversation to SJV, Vince shared the mission of SJV is to be The Supply Chain Leader to the Background Screening Industry. “People often throw the words ‘retail’ and ‘wholesale’ around a lot, but they don’t really mean anything unless you specifically define what you’re talking about. As a furnisher of information to CRAs, we act as their supply chain for all the products they need, to ensure they have the highest quality screening solutions possible for their customers.”
He added, “I’ve been very honored and humbled by a recent promotion. My new mission as Vice President of Client Experience at SJV is to align the Sales, Marketing, and Client Service divisions under a single, unified vision towards ultimate customer success. This new role will see me not only interacting with more of our customers, but also more of our client facing staff, as well. The client experience our customers have will continue to be unmatched by our competitors.”
With a level of excitement in his voice, Vince said, “Culture is everything, and at SJV we’re all about culture! It’s sometimes hard to define exactly what your culture is in less than a few sentences, but citing examples such as promoting a healthy work-life-balance, work hard/play hard, prank wars that are going on nearly a decade in age, etc. (ask Nat Borsh what happened in Jackson Hole, WY). Our leadership team has worked incredibly hard ensuring the highly personal and family atmosphere that SJV is known for has been maintained throughout the large growth we’ve driven the past several years.”
Vince also shared that “We love the response from our customers and the marketplace, in general, has had to our new Verifications Suite. This is our newest solution we launched just this Spring, and we’ve seen an unbelievably positive response from numerous CRAs who once thought they could never outsource their Verifications (education, employment, etc.) We’ve outfitted our domestic based call-center with technology that was previously unseen in our industry, to produce a revolutionary solution for credential verifications.”
In response to my favorite question regarding what he sees happen down the road in the industry, he said that infamous impish smile of his, “Ten years from now I’m going to read every edition of the Background Bistro and see who was right and who was wayyyyy wrong with their predictions!”
He then leaned back and said, “Obviously technology will continue to drive this industry into directions that are more efficient for all involved. We’ve already started seeing ways that handheld devices are making the applicant experience more efficient, producing more expedient background checks, and I don’t see that trend slowing down any time soon. Every article I’m reading these days talks about how the next wave of customer service is self-service, being able to access pertinent data online and work with automated systems without contacting an actual person. To me, this will create an even greater demand for excellent service in our industry, whenever necessary interactions between people occur.”
Turning the conversation back to him personally, he shared two really good books he recently has read are ‘Unbeatable Mind’ by Mark Divine, along with a more classical read, ‘As A Man Thinketh’ by James Allen. He added with a somewhat serious tone, “My undergrad degree is in English Literature, so I always like to throw in a classic every now and again. Not everything great or riveting will be found within a book just because its new…”
With joy and excitement in his voice, he said, “The exact day most people will be reading this, I should be waiting in line at a book store in Kennesaw, GA to meet the one and only Bruce Springsteen. He just came out with his new book, ‘Born to Run’, so I’m hoping to get it signed and get a few moments with THE BOSS himself. Fingers crossed!”
Moving to close the interview, when asked if he had a favorite quote he said enthusiastically, “You better believe it! It’s from Bruce Lee and his book ‘Tao of JeetKune Do’. He says on all matters of life, “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”
Thanks to Vince for an insightful and exciting interview. You can reach him at or 678.483.8819.
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