It is anticipated that the final quarters of 2021 will be a rebound and recovery period for hospitality businesses across the country after a long lock-down due to the pandemic, so it is important to be prepared for a swift uptick in consumer demand by recruiting and building up teams quickly, but also accurately. The wrong hire, after all, can cause the company a significant amount of money and its tactical operations could suffer. Using two technologies to help facilitate the goal of hiring good people can be the key to success, which relates to new knowledge of key attributes to be assessed with psychometric testing, as well as new knowledge about how to measure these key attributes inconspicuously and precisely. Research has found that rather than focus on a fixed set of performance skills, it is much more productive to screen and select for what organizational psychology refers to as “contextual performance.” AI-based modeling has helped create a new way to measure the existing self-reporting performance evaluations that place characteristics into four categories: “Conscientious, Hospitable, Adaptable and Trainable” (CHAT)” that mitigates social desirability biases by recognizing patterns that are not obvious by test takers.


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Posted Under: Predictive Hiring

Post By Ken Shafton (2,405 Posts)