James Mohrmann, Owner and Director of Operations, Mohr Information & Investigative Services |
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James Mohrmann, Owner and Director of Operations, Mohr Information & Investigative Services.
How long have you been in the background check industry and what led you to join the industry?
I started out investigating in Florida, Georgia and in the DC Metro area back in the late 1980’s. I left a national investigations firm and began Mohr Information Ser-vices in 1993 as the industry was beginning to take shape. I really like the black and white nature of investigating. Unlike the media that gives you this slant or that slant. As background investigators, we report the facts as if they are without embe-llishment or opinion.
What is your favorite quote?
“Prior planning prevents poor performance.” My Dad used to say that to me when I
was a kid and young adult and I have carried that throughout my business and personal life. While there will always be things outside of your control, the more time spent planning generally leads towards a more favorable outcome. I have passed along that saying to my daughters and am proud of the lives that they are planning out for themselves.
If you could meet anyone regardless of whether the person is alive or not, who would you want to meet and why?
That is tough one but in honor of National Women’s Day and being a very proud Dad of Daughters, I would like to meet and gain business knowledge from Taylor Swift. She is not only an amazing talent but also an impressive businesswoman. She knows and fiercely protects her brand, as well as markets, like no one else.
What is important about your company that you want people to know?
I am very proud of this company and the hardworking employees that strive to be as close to perfect as humanly possible. I appreciate and have a great deal of respect for what they do. We have many employees that have been with the company for 10, 15 even 20 years. We are a 100% employee driven regional provider that offers court research and investigative services in DC, DE, FL, MA, MD, NJ, VA and WV.