Find the Right Background Screening Firm for Your Corporation

Get a Free Consultation Today! 

As a busy corporate leader, you don’t have time to waste on finding the right background screening firm. You need a solution  that’s fast, easy, and reliable. 

That’s where I come in. I’m a background screening expert with years of experience helping corporations of all sizes find the right firm for their needs.  

During your free consultation, I will: 

  • Learn more about your specific background screening needs
  • Review the different types of background checks available
  • Recommend the best background screening firm for your corporation
  • Answer any questions you have about the background screening process

Why choose me?  

I have a deep understanding of the background screening industry and I’m committed to helping my clients find the right  solution for their needs. I’m also independent, so I’m not affiliated with any specific background screening firm. That means  you can be sure that we’re providing you with unbiased advice. 

Ready to get started? 

Simply fill out the form on this page to schedule your free consultation. I look forward to helping you find the right  background screening firm for your corporation and saving you time and money. 

Schedule your free consultation today! 

Additional benefits: 

  • My consultation is completely free and confidential.
  • I’ll help you save time and money by finding the best background screening firm for your needs.
  • I’ll give you peace of mind knowing that you’re hiring the right people for your corporation.


“We were overwhelmed by the number of background screening firms out there. We didn’t know where to start.  But our free consultation with Barry was a lifesaver. He helped us understand our needs and recommended the best  firm for our corporation. We highly recommend his services.” 

– Richard Rogers, Human Resources Manager, Hewlett-Packard

“I was so busy with running my business that I didn’t have time to find a background screening firm. I was dreading  the process, but then I found Barry Nixon. Barry made the process so easy and painless. He took the time to  understand my needs and recommend the best firm for my corporation. I highly recommend his services.”  

– Roi Ewell, Vice President, Human Resources, Sea World of California 

If you’re a busy corporate leader who doesn’t have time to waste on finding the right background screening firm, then I urge you to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with me today. I’ll personally help you find a firm that meets your needs and saves you time and money.



    About W. Barry Nixon

    W. Barry Nixon

    W. Barry Nixon is the founder and COO of As a highly accomplished human resources professional, he brings over 25 years of experience from Fortune 500 companies to the table. His expertise is particularly strong in the area of employment screening, where he has developed practical tools, processes, and publications to assist companies with their challenges.Beyond his formal education, Nixon’s valuable experience has been enriched through various HR roles at Fortune 500 companies. He has spearheaded teams in the creation and implementation of innovative HR programs and strategies, gaining a profound understanding of the complexities involved in conducting background checks.

    A recognized authority in the field of background screening, Mr. Nixon has significantly contributed to the industry’s body of knowledge. He is the co-author of a seminal book on background screening and the publisher of two leading newsletters: The Background Buzz and The Global Background Screener. His literary contributions extend to several books and articles on background screening.

    Nixon’s roles are diverse: he serves as a columnist for the background screening column in P.I. Magazine and is a familiar voice on media outlets such as ABC, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal Radio, United Kingdom – National Talk Radio, and WGST News Radio’s Job Talk. His dedication and passion as an HR professional are rooted in a deep commitment to aiding companies in navigating employment screening challenges.

    With his extensive education and rich professional experience, Nixon is uniquely equipped to guide He ensures that clients receive the most comprehensive and current information on background screening, maintaining the company’s reputation as a leader in the industry.