Find a Background Screening Company: SOUTH AMERICA


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div2International Background Screening Companies:

Clear – International
Screenxchange – International
Triton Int
GIS International
Qualification Check’s
Straightline International – Int



David Robillard, CEO
MultiLatin Background Screening
Edificio Prisma Corporativo
Monte Elbruz No. 124, Piso 7, Col. Polanco
11560, Ciudad de México, CDMX, México
+52 (55) 5511 3237
Twitter : @MultiLatin
LinkedIn : MultiLatin Background Screening

Global Screening Standards for Latin American Regional Operations

MultiLatin Background Screening is an expert provider of background screening solutions and drug testing upon employee applicants and third parties across Latin America and the Caribbean.

From its offices in Mexico City, Panama, and Sao Paulo, MultiLatin works with clients to comply with the strictest data protection and legal requirements within the various countries of the region.

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Argentina Colombia Chile Guyana