FCRA Lawsuit Claims Retailer Failed to Disclose Background Check Results

Lowe’s Companies, Inc., is facing a proposed class-action lawsuit claiming violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that prohibits employers from taking adverse action against job applicants based on their background check report without first giving them a copy of the report. Specifically, Hale v. Lowe’s Companies, Inc., claims that the defendant’s use of background reports to screen job applicants violated the FCRA. The plaintiff in the case claimed he was offered a job by the company contingent on him passing a background check. He was informed that he did not pass the background check, but he was not provided a copy of his report or a statement of his rights under the FCRA.

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Source: Employment Screening Resources (ESR) – a service offering of ClearStar,

Post By Ken Shafton (2,437 Posts)