The Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) pursuit of employers who violate federal immigration compliance laws is expected to be moving full speed ahead in 2013, and in some instances accelerating in comparison to prior years. As a result of both substantially increased funding for enforcement actions and an outcome of the public debate about illegal immigration, ICE will continue to audit thousands of employers during the next year. I-9 employment verification is not a choice-it’s the law. Although the paperwork appears deceptively simple, employers continue to struggle with properly completing the form on time, which often results in substantive, procedural, or technical violations. Fines for each incorrect or missing Form I-9 range from $110 to $1,100 per instance. Unauthorized worker violations start at $375 and can climb to $16,000 per undocumented-or improperly documented-employee. To lessen the risk of immigration compliance liability, employers should conduct periodic internal audits and adopt best practices and standard operating procedures to show good faith compliance practices.