An Employer’s Guide to Successful Fair Chance Hiring

An Employer’s Guide to Successful Fair Chance Hiring provides an in-depth evaluation of both the challenges and potential of reintegrating formerly incarcerated individuals into the workforce. This includes key barriers to entry for this population of workers; the economic, communal, and organizational consequences of recidivism; and tools, resources, and actionable steps that policymakers and/or small business owners can take to implement Fair Chance Hiring successfully.

Key highlights include:

  • The state of reentry and employment for formerly incarcerated individuals
  • Use cases on successful Fair Chance Hiring strategies
  • An overview of Arouet’s four-phase transition model (Program Inside, Release, Engagement & Ongoing Support)
  • Best practices for Fair Chance Hiring, including pre-hire and weekly onboarding checklists
  • Industry Leaders’ insights on the promise and growth of Fair Chance Hiring

Get a copy of the Guide

Post By Ken Shafton (2,435 Posts)