5 Common Bad Hires and How to Prevent Them

It happens to many recruiters and hiring managers: The person that was hired is not the same person that was interviewed. Five types of bad hires are identified here, along with how to avoid them: The bad attitude: Rosemary Haefner of CareerBuilder says to beware of candidates who are confrontational or negative from the get-go; the flimflam artist: Sharlyn Lauby of ITM Group Inc., suggests verifying candidates’ skills and experience with background checks where appropriate and using behavioral interviewing questions to get a sense of a candidate’s depth of experience with skill; the helpless one: consider asking candidates about their “self-learning” skills, suggests Lauby; the ghost: Haefner suggests having a conversation about paid time off and punctuality before making a hire; and the climber: identify these folks during the interview and screening process by asking questions about expectations, future career plans, goals, and dreams.


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Posted Under: Cost of Bad Hires

Post By Ken Shafton (2,437 Posts)