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(C) There is no time restriction in the FCRA for when a consumer must initiate a dispute. As a result, the best practice is to open a dispute and conduct a reinvestigation whenever a consumer raises a dispute. However, due to the time involved, unless there is a new request from your client and an authorization allowing the release of the information to your client, it is not proper to provide a revised report to the client as it is questionable as to whether the client has a permissible purpose for this information at this time. You can advise Mr. Smith of any new information/updated information and advise him that you have noted the information in your file but that you will not provide the information to any other party unless you receive a new request or that he requests that the updated report be sent to prior recipients of the old report/information.

Question: CRA, Inc. provided its client a background check on Tom Smith. Several "hits" were reported to the client about Mr. Smith. CRA is unaware whether any of those hits had a negative result on Mr. Smith's application. It has now been six months and Mr. Smith has contacted CRA to dispute information contained in that report. How should CRA respond?

Please choose your answer by clicking on it:

A. It depends on whether this was an employment application or an application for housing.

B. CRA should investigate Mr. Smith's dispute in the same manner and way it would any dispute received, and provide a new revised report to the end user.

C. CRA should investigate Mr. Smith's dispute in the same manner and way it would any dispute received, but should not provide a revised report to the end user.

D. Mr. Smith waited too long to dispute the information and CRA should notify Mr. Smith of this.


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