The Background Buzz Insider
October 13, 2014

What Motivates Buyers to Receive and Engage with Vendor Email?

Are you interested in learning more about buyers’ email opinions and habits? Research by MarketingSherpa sheds important information on factors that influence buyers to opt-in, open vendor email, and how specific content and offers affect subsequent actions, such as pass-along and clickthrough.

This article shares their research findings on the value buyers place on email as an information source, and which factors make them more likely to receive email from a vendor. It also Includes four charts and insights into what the numbers mean for marketers.

The good news for B2B marketers is that buyers still consider email one of the most valuable sources of product and services information during a purchase process.

But to make the most of this opportunity, marketers need to understand what makes buyers more likely to sign up for (and open emails from) vendors -- and what buyers say are the biggest weaknesses in the emails they currently receive.

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This eDirect Mail Campaign is Sponsored by Innovative Enterprises, Inc.

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